Sunday, October 31, 2010
Who needs a compost pile?
It slices
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wait wait
Monday, October 25, 2010
It was with great sadness that I watched game 6 of the NLCS. The Phillies are my favorite team, even since the move to Chicago. I watched as Ryan Howard stood there looking at the third strike - with two runners on in the bottom of the ninth. I guess I should not have expected anything different - he had zero RBIs in the post-season and 12 strikeouts in the NLCS. The worst part of the whole thing is that Pat Burrell, former Phillies left fielder, is going to the world series with the Giants. Are you kidding me? Ugh!
I am a true Phillies fan. I will curse them out now and through the post-season as the team fails to re-sign Jayson Werth, but I will cheer for them again next year. For now, however, that was a heartbreaking loss to an inferior team. Shame on you, Phillies.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
State budget
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Post-race party!
1) pick up my race packet
2) stock the fridge for the post-race party!
I picked up a few six packs of some of my favorites and filled the fridge! After the race, I invited a few friends over to celebrate and watch the Phillies! Both Philly and Chicago get points on this one - Philly for winning the first round of the playoffs and Chicago for a beautiful day and a successful marathon. Consequently, no points actually were awarded.
Read the fine print
Ice cream man, ice cream man!!
More cowbell!
Blister in the sun!!
The race was held on Sunday, which in any other year I would have appreciated for its unseasonably warm and sunny weather. This year, however, I did not appreciate it. Nor did about 30,000 other people!
Having fully hydrated myself for about two days, I was standing in line for the porto-john when the gun sounded for the race. No worries because I figured it would take me about 30 minutes to cross the start line. Wrong. I crossed at about 7:45. You know you're in trouble when you walk a half a mile to the start line in shorts and a t-shirt and are sweating already. Then it got warmer!
The first half was basically in the shade (or largely shady), so I felt pretty good. My race plan was to drink at every water stop, eat every six miles and run about 9:30-9:40s. I stuck to it for the first 15 miles. At mile 13.1, I was just shy of 2:06. Things were going well. Then we turned west and all hell broke loose, at least for me. At about mile 17, a bank time/temp sign read 85 degrees. I walked my first water station. At mile 18, a training partner jumped onto the course and ran with / dragged me across the finish line. I had to walk about a mile at 22. Another bank time/temp read 95. Wow! Even if it were only 85, that's hot!
With much encouragement, I started running again at mile 23 and jogged to the finish in just under 4:25. I don't know if I will do another. If you were to ask me today, I'd say NO! I think I can shave another five minutes off my time, but that seems like a lot of work for relatively little improvement.
The date to motivate
This banner was over the entrance to the expo. That is some random good-looking dude posing for a picture.
Of course, it only made me a little more nervous, especially when I left the expo and the 11 am temperature was over 80. Not good.
Hot mess!
Bullet proof bra
What sounded like a good idea ten months ago started sounding less good as the actual date approached. 10.10.10 - the "date to motivate" loomed in front of me. My training went fairly well and I was in pretty good shape the week before the race. I started to get nervous a few days before and by the time I went to the race expo on Saturday to pick up my number, I was regretting signing up. To make matters worse, the temperature was predicted to be unseasonably warm - sunny and mid eighties.
This picture was taken at the entrance to the expo. Over 45,000 fit athletic folks registered for the marathon. And this is the food the organizers offered them.
The expo was the biggest one I have seen. There were a number of vendors, big and small, and some cool running gear. However, weekend warriors like me were sad that they didn't have any marathon shot glasses!
Quoth the raven
Monday, October 11, 2010
Multiple choice
1) the dog pooped in the house and the pet owner picked I up and put it on the porch because s/he didn't want her garbage to smell and it was too far to walk to the city-owned bins.
2) the dog refused to poop while out on the walk until right before the door and the lazy owner refused to turn around and go back to the bin to get rid of it.
3) some neighborhood kids were playing a joke and wanted to set the poop on fire and ring the doorbell, but they used a plastic bag which would not burn and then they got scared and ran away.
4) my dog pooped and I placed the bag on the neighbor's doorstep because I'm too lazy to carry it to the alley.
5) inside the bag is a very valuable item which is concealed by a non-poop substance to prevent anyone from stealing it.
6) other - please explain.
What is this?
Philly 4. Chicago 1.
Freezer burn!
Eggs Adams
Friday, October 8, 2010
Perfect breakfast
Philly 3; Chicago 1.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The best ever?
Philly - 3; Chicago - 0; Spain - 1.
Philly - 3; Chicago - 0.
Philly - 3; Chicago - -1. Yes, Chicago, you lost a point on that one - two baseball teams and neither make the playoffs? Wrigley is cool, I'll give you that tradition, but unfortunately it is a losing tradition (although the Phillies do have more losses all-time than the Cubs, somewhere over 10,000, they have also won the NL East this season).
Is that a hill I see?
The point is, if you drive from Chicago to St. Louis, which I did at the inception of this blog, you will see nothing but flat corn fields. You will not see rolling hills dotted with pre-revolution homes. Philly - 2, Chicago - 0.
Burger cake?
My renewed blogging effort (installment 1)
I used to walk to one train station, take photos of interesting stuff along the way and then blog about it on the way to work. Then, two things changed. First, I changed my commuting route - taking a bus that stops near my house and riding it to a different train stop. Why does this matter? Because very little of interest happens in those 50 yards, that's why. Second, I started reading - books. I just finished Wolf Hall, which a colleague loaned me. (We are both sort of history geeks, believe it or not. She also loaned me a book on Thomas Jefferson, which is next up on the list.) So, I am now seeing fewer outlandish Midwestern things and having less time to write about them. (On a related note, my job is now pretty much 9-5 with the state and no longer requires crazy long hours and a partial surrender of control of my free time / life. Despite this reduced schedule, I cannot manage to find free time to check my email or blog about my adopted city.)
All that is going to change. I am going to make a concerted effort to blog every day. For a while. Or at least on average, I've saved up some ideas and I'm ready to unload. (also, I finished my book on the train and didn't bring the next one) So, if you're still reading, strap on your helmet and get ready for a flurry of blog activity!
Here we go - potato chips. How does this relate to the Philly vs. Chicago theme? This one is easy. Far and away, my favorite chips are Herr's BBQ; they have no rival. A while back, I met a friend for lunch and the place made their own chips. They tasted ok, not as good as my Herr's, but. Check out the bag. I'm sold on the sultry piratey woman. Arrgghhh! Now, if Herr's would replace its plain gold bag with something like this, maybe they could expand their market to the Midwest! Please!