Friday, February 4, 2011


So Chicago got hit by a big storm - third largest storm since they started tracking these things. It was awesome. We had thunder and lightning during the heaviest periods of snow. It's sort of like christmas - go to sleep and wake up to see what the snoclause left you. This picture was taken 24 hours after the big storm. As you can see, there's not much of the two feet left in the loop, which brings me to a few observations about my adopted city.

1. They know how to do snow removal. At least on the main streets. My side street has not been plowed yet but let's be honest, in Philly it would not get plowed until garbage day, which means there is a good chance I'd get plowed two or three times before the street did. Point Chicago.

2. During a snowstorm in Chicago, people are much nicer than otherwise. A stranger helped me shovel my driveway. I was pushing a friend's car and standing next to another friend. I looked again as the car started to move and there were strangers on either side of me. Point Chicago.

3. People put chairs out to save their cleanly shoveled spots. Draw. They do that shit in Philly, too.

4. People in Chicago wear hats and functional winter clothing. Nobody in the northeast sacrifices fashion for function. Point NYC for that, they're wealthy, beautiful and well-dressed.

5. A man walked into the state office building the day before the storm wearing a full snowmobile suit and carrying a nice leather briefcase. Ridiculous. Whoever you are, you looked stupid.

6. I don't care who you are, if it's not cold enough for you to put on a hat, then you can't wear an animal carcass for a coat. Shame on you, even I you were also wearing a hat.

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