Monday, March 1, 2010

Strike Two against Inde

Today just is not Inde's day. First the turkey incident and now the running incident. We went out for a nice slow run along the lake shore this afternoon. The wind was blowing up to 25 mph and the lake was rough. The southbound run was ok because Inde was on my right side (away from the lake). After we turned around, however, Inde was still on my right side, but the lake was to her right. A wave crashed into the cement along the shore, scared Inde and she jumped to her left - straight into me. I went down in a pile of human and canine limbs, right in a slushy, muddy puddle. Somehow, her leash was wrapped twice around my ankles and I could not get up. Needless to say, I was soaked. Silly dog. I now have an egg-sized bump on my elbow, but that seems to be the only damage. I will know better tomorrow. OK, Inde, that's two. One more and I'm putting you up for adoption.


  1. I think the slate gets wiped clean at midnight. Only 3 1/2 hours left, can do it!!!

  2. ha, that sucks but is kinda hilarious.

    yesterday i somehow dropped (threw?) my ipod into my soup, spilling it all over me, my desk and my keyboard, which ended up getting fried. the ipod survives. wish i had a dog to blame the whole thing on.

  3. Inde appears to have survived without a scratch, but I have quite a sore elbow and bruise. Overall, not so bad. Unfortunately, not the first time I've ended up tangled in a dog leash during a run.

    As for the small electronic device in some liquid, I nearly had a similar experience. I was pulling my phone out of its case while painting. It was a tight fit (because Inde had chewed the hard plastic case) so I pulled sort of hard. The phone flew out of my hand and was headed straight for a bucket of paint. I don't know how, but I managed to kick it out of the air and into the wall. No harm - phone and foot survived. Sorry about your keyboard, ndh.
