Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ice cream frozen while you wait!

Now that 2 of the 3 ice cream places in the hood have closed, I tried
a new place called I cream. Sounds a little weird, I know. It was
pretty cool. All the ice cream starts in a plain flavor and you can
pick your flavors. I picked chocolate and raspberry. They injected the
two flavors into the plain base and then used liquid nitrogen to speed
cool the mixture into ice cream. The texture was different - very
light, sort of like it was whipped. Overall, the experience was better
than the product, but given the lack of other choices, I'd go again.


  1. It was so weird! Is liquid nitrogen bad for you in large doses? And why aren't there any other ice cream places nearby??? Also, I Cream sounds kind of dirty for a place that advertises that they do kids birthday parties.

  2. now I am even less inclined to try it out. it just does not sound right to me. -rs
