That post was largely a "bucket list," so I figured an update was in order. Here's how I'm doing so far:
10 - finish the Thomas Jefferson book. Check. And, for the record, people just don't write like that anymore.
8 - finish the Eastern Religions book. In progress. I finished the 4th chapter (Confucianism) and have only one more to go.
4 - eat healthier and take my lunch more often. In progress. I took my lunch to work 4 of 5 days this week (and decided to treat myself on the 5th, which I guess undermines my goal). I also have enjoyed cooking with TVP and quinoa. Unfortunately, a co-worker told me that quinoa is largely grown in Bolivia and the local Bolivians are suffering because the quinoa is being exported and not available for their consumption. Ugh. It's healthy and I like it. Figures. Back to the drawing board on that one.
1 - be kinder to Chicago. Check. I think I'm doing well on this one.
So, there is the update. I'll keep working on it.
Double Daddy
12 years ago
"Chicago has been pretty good." Agreed.