Sunday, October 4, 2009


Saturday morning was the best part of the day and I took advantage by
heading down to Millennium Park to meet up with a friend from out of
town and explore the park. After checking out Cloudgate (often called
the bean), we stumbled upon a new installation of what we used to call
quad art. I'm not sure how to describe this sculpture, but I'll take
a shot. The red crane is coming out of what looks to be the front
trunk of an old vw bug. Hanging from the crane is a wild boar with a
multitude of teats, from which an adult cherub-like figure is dangling
and, finally, there is a headless running man. I don't get the art,
the meaning, the symbolism, or anything. The only thing I get is that
the stuff of my nightmares can make me money, if only someone will
restore funding to the NEA.

Art adventure aside, I had a great time reconnecting with my friend
and meeting some of her family members who were also in town. We spent
the best part of the day walking around outside and then having a nice
lunch outdoors. I think that might be the last time we eat outside
until May.

1 comment:

  1. How many teats do wild boars have anyway? Also - this art was really really weird. jl
