I'm walking Inde after work when she stops to go to the bathroom. Isn't it embarrassing enough that she has to go right out in public with no privacy? Being the law-abiding citizen that I am, I whip out a plastic baggy and scoop it up. I tie the bag and look for someplace to throw it away. Not seeing any convenient bins, I turn to head home. On my way,I see this garbage can in front of a building. I wonder, where am I supposed to put my disease-transmitting pet waste if not in the garbage can? Should I just carry it around until I find some urban compost facility? I'm glad no city officials have been following inde around because I think she usually poops about two to three times day, times 400 days (approximately) that she has lived in Chicago, times the $1,000 penalty equals $1,000,000 in fines for merely picking up after my dog! This all seems crazy, but wait, there's more! Although I have not included a picture here, there are other signs in my neighborhood that say, "Pick up after your dog. $400 fine." Okay, I get it, it's $400 if you don't pick up after your dog, but it's $1,000 if you do and then try to throw it away. In this economy, I'm surprised anyone takes the financial risk of picking up after their dog! Don't even start with the cat ...
so what kind of fine am I in for after picking up my own poop and putting it in the trash? f*ck