After the disappointment of the shrimpalicious non-experience, we took
inde for a hike in the Indiana state dunes park. We found this cute
little stream that used to be a major pelt trading route. Inde was
very excited because something smelled very good to her, but not to
us. If you can see it in this picture of the stream, there was a dead
bloated fish about 18 inches long - a good size for a Chicago rat! I
tried to get close for a good picture, but considering my recent
experiences wiping out in Arkansas and Starved Rock state park, I
thought I should be careful. The photo is sort of neat because it's
tough to tell that it is a reflection in the water and not a picture
of the sky. Regardless, take my word for it, it smelled bad, bad fishy.
Double Daddy
12 years ago
Potawatomi Indians trading beaver pelt for casino chips. Bad, bad fishy.