Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I <3 Which 'wich

One of my favorite things about visiting Nashville is going to Which
'wich. For the uninitiated, this is a chain sandwich shop that makes
hot sandwiches. Why is this special, you ask. Good question. A few
reasons. First, you get to mark your order on a little brown paper bag
with sharpie markers. (I also <3 sharpie markers.) Second, they clip
your bag to a clothesline sort of contraption so, if you draw
something on the back side of the bag, you can watch your order as it
progresses down the line. Third, the sandwiches are good. And,
finally, the ice machine makes nice little ice cubes that I enjoy.
This last requirement makes or breaks the place, in my opinion. I hope
the Chicago 'wich has the same ice maker!! If so, I'll see you there
for lunch when it opens.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Which Wich! I don't understand the bees though. What's Block 37 too? jl
