Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Magic bars - you know you love them!

So I had to make some holiday cookies for my work party tomorrow. I
fell back on my old stand-by of Magic Bars. I make these every year.
You know the drill - crushed Graham crackers, chocolate chips,
condensed milk, and coconut. I carefully crushed the Graham crackers,
measured everything, and put together two pans. (see the photo). I
then had to lick the condensed milk off the label so I could read the
oven temperature and baking time from the recipe on the label. And I
made a critical discovery. I've been making these for 10 years,
basically from memory. Corrupted memory, it turns out. I've been
layering the ingredients incorrectly! Okay, I'm not a total dunce, I
get the butter and Graham crackers in first. But then I add the chips
and coconut, and top the whole thing off with condensed milk. Wrong!
The condensed milk is supposed to go on top of the Graham crackers.
What do they know. Try it my way, you might like it.

Note that I also tried adding mini marshmallows in one half of one
pan. I'll let you know how that works, but I'm thinking it was a

1 comment:

  1. I like Magic Bars the Displaced East Coaster way. YUM!!! Could possibly my favorite dessert! jl
