Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Inde!

Today is Inde's 9th birthday. I can only remember because she was born
January 1, 2001. Otherwise known as 01/01/01. I didn't know Inde
when she was born, but I was in Vegas celebrating the new year and her
very first birthday. Although she is getting old and slowing down, she
is still a good runner. However, she is not as good with the frisbee
as when she was younger and a better sprinter. Happy Birthday, Inde!


  1. If I remember correctly, you won $300 at Monte Carlo on 01/01/01. Which was nowhere close to what Inde has cost through the years! Silly doggy (who threw up 2 socks this morning - 9 years +1 day = 15+socks in a lifetime)

  2. I think Inde has eaten more than 15 socks in her lifetime, maybe more like 25. I only hope that she has thrown up all that she has eaten. Bad doggy.
