Friday, November 6, 2009

Am I the only state employee who washes her hands?

I was disturbed by the first directive to wash my hands (as previously
posted), but now I understand that they have seasonal themed
announcements. Aren't we all adults? Don't we all know that we are
supposed to wash our hands? Is this sign really going to change
anyone's mind? Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm on board with hand washing. Seasonal or not. Gross.

    More distressing to me is the obsession we now have with hand sanitizer. As my good friend EHW says, "I have a love-hate relationship with hand sanitizers. I love them because after I use them I feel totally invincible to germs (this may or may not be rational, I have no idea). But I hate them because I feel sure that by using them I am helping to create the uber-germ that will be the thing to doom some large portion of humanity. See how I'm totally conflicted??"
