Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm almost done blogging about the marathon. This is a picture of my medal, which I've been told will double for a bottle opener in a pinch!

The race was held on Sunday, which in any other year I would have appreciated for its unseasonably warm and sunny weather. This year, however, I did not appreciate it. Nor did about 30,000 other people!

Having fully hydrated myself for about two days, I was standing in line for the porto-john when the gun sounded for the race. No worries because I figured it would take me about 30 minutes to cross the start line. Wrong. I crossed at about 7:45. You know you're in trouble when you walk a half a mile to the start line in shorts and a t-shirt and are sweating already. Then it got warmer!

The first half was basically in the shade (or largely shady), so I felt pretty good. My race plan was to drink at every water stop, eat every six miles and run about 9:30-9:40s. I stuck to it for the first 15 miles. At mile 13.1, I was just shy of 2:06. Things were going well. Then we turned west and all hell broke loose, at least for me. At about mile 17, a bank time/temp sign read 85 degrees. I walked my first water station. At mile 18, a training partner jumped onto the course and ran with / dragged me across the finish line. I had to walk about a mile at 22. Another bank time/temp read 95. Wow! Even if it were only 85, that's hot!

With much encouragement, I started running again at mile 23 and jogged to the finish in just under 4:25. I don't know if I will do another. If you were to ask me today, I'd say NO! I think I can shave another five minutes off my time, but that seems like a lot of work for relatively little improvement.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bottle opener idea. This is one of the coolest medals I've seen!
