Monday, October 11, 2010

Multiple choice

Please choose the description that most likely describes the scene below:

1) the dog pooped in the house and the pet owner picked I up and put it on the porch because s/he didn't want her garbage to smell and it was too far to walk to the city-owned bins.

2) the dog refused to poop while out on the walk until right before the door and the lazy owner refused to turn around and go back to the bin to get rid of it.

3) some neighborhood kids were playing a joke and wanted to set the poop on fire and ring the doorbell, but they used a plastic bag which would not burn and then they got scared and ran away.

4) my dog pooped and I placed the bag on the neighbor's doorstep because I'm too lazy to carry it to the alley.

5) inside the bag is a very valuable item which is concealed by a non-poop substance to prevent anyone from stealing it.

6) other - please explain.

1 comment:

  1. I choose option 2). Sometimes the alley seems really far away.
