Thursday, March 4, 2010

41 is the melting point for Lincoln Park

It was sunny out and looked warm, but looks can be deceiving on a
Chicago winter day. I knew I should take advantage and go out for a
run, but I was feeling tired and lazy, so I decided to take out the
garbage instead. That is when I realized that it was more than warm,
it was downright hot, at least in the sun. So I went back inside and
decided to get my lazy butt out for a run. Good decision; 41 degrees
and sunny is a great combination for a run. Once I got over to
Lincoln Park, I noticed a lot of older residents out walking. I run
basically the same route to the lake every time I go out and I have
not seen this many people in ages. I decided that 41 degrees must be
the point at which old people, like myself, decide to venture outdoors
for some exercise. Overall, a beautiful day and a good run with Inde.
She is now curled up on the couch and snoring. Ah, a dog's life.

*For those of you looking for a picture for this post, close your eyes
and visualize a blue sky over the lake and remember that sometimes I
am motivated by what I am feeling, not just by the stupidity of our
fellow Chicago residents.

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