Wednesday, March 3, 2010

There's something to be said for not making a car payment

Like, it saves you a bunch of money each month. But if you are making a car payment, your car likely is covered by the warranty, so when something goes wrong, it gets fixed - for "free." I have not made a car payment since August. That's a good thing. I just had my first repair bill for this car since I bought it. That is both a good and a bad thing. It came in just about the same price as removing that tiny bump from KC's tail ($800). So the cost for each is running about the same for the last 8 months (taking into account gas & insurance vs. food, litter and clean up). If I had to get rid of one, it just might be KC. Sorry, cat, but I just can't ride you to the store.


  1. What?! You would get rid of KC over the car?! You're a liar. You love that cat.

  2. Too many posts without pictures = crazy talk. And you better watch your back. I happen to know that KC reads this blog.
