Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stripper pole

When I was in high school, my math teacher told me that he played a game using the letters on license plates to fight boredom on long drives. For example, if the plate reads TKL123, you have to make a word out of the letters that starts with 'T', ends with 'L' and has a 'K'
in the middle - like 'thankful.' Naturally, when I saw this plate, I read 'stripper pole.' Was I wrong about that? Isn't this a vanity plate that reads stripper pole 1?


  1. What a coincidence! Today at tennis, my pro said that nobody is graceful in high heels. My reply: "Strippers are."

  2. I suppose it could be if 'stripperpole' was one word. I'm thinking it is ???? people 1. Although stripper pole is more interesting. -rs
