Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chicken, anyone? Or an apartment?

I drive by this place almost weekly and it always intrigues me. I think what this means is that you can get massive quantities of
chicken parts here for your next party. Alternatively, if you want to
bring in your free range grass fed chickens, they will slaughter them
for you. (When I say it like that, I might have to take a break from
chicken for a while.) And, if you are looking for a place to live,
there is an apartment right upstairs. That sounds appealing - hordes
of live chickens downstairs waiting to be slaughtered, possibly
running around with their heads cut off, and you upstairs chillaxin
with some friends over a nice bottle of wine. Sign me up!

1 comment:

  1. This place is so crazy! Other than the chicken thing, someone spent a lot of time being really careful about the painting and printing. Except that it is like a 4th grade art project. So bizarre. jl
