Sunday, December 6, 2009


I guess I should be thankful that our first snowfall was at the end of
November, but I was still not prepared for it. The summer was a total
disappointment - the lake never got warm enough to go in it.
September was bad. October was horrific - cold and rainy every day.
November was awesome - I ran three weekends in shorts and a t-shirt.
But December and winter finally are here. This weekend - it snowed
(with a "dusting" of accumulation) and I ran on Saturday morning at
the balmy temperature of 27 degrees (17 with the wind chill). I guess
I should quit my complaining and get ready for the next six months.
Philly, anyone? Just a little bit warmer there ...

1 comment:

  1. This post needs an update!! Like how on the east coast, if there was even a teeny tiny chance we might get snow (much less 3 inches), we would have a city-wide winter storm warning. In Chicago, we wake up to 3 inches with no real warning at all, and for the most part, nobody cares. Crazy. jl
