Monday, December 21, 2009

The Second City?

Chicago claims to be the "second city." I'm not sure exactly what that
means, but I think it should mean that the window displays at Macy's
should not be completely lame. In comparison to those in NYC, this
looks like a display we made in fourth grade. C'mon, macy's, get me in
the Christmas spirit! This just isn't cutting it.


  1. I'm pretty sure it means that New York is the best city and Chicago is the second city. Wikipedia says that it was a derogatory term used in the New Yorker in the 1950s and then appropriated by a Chicago comedy troupe. Isn't that funny -- Second City produces talent that goes and stars in NYC. Why? Because the Macy's windows are way better. jl

  2. The Hancock Building claims it got the name Second City because the citiznes rebuilt it after the Great Fire. So, you east coast snobs can think whatever you want; Chicago is resilient and will survive your constant criticism.

  3. We're in a recession. Maybe if we ever get out of it, Macy's will make nice windows again... ehw

  4. Macy's used to be good. I'm pretty sure it's because Chicago was the second largest city in the country until L.A. got bigger and bumped us into third. Stupid L.A.
